
Just a few notes about what this site might end up containing. I used to walk a lot, even just back and forth, up and down my driveway. While doing this, I might would have been listening to music, but mostly I would just think. This was before I had any interest in meditation, and while this was not something many would consider meditation, it had an effect on me that was similar. I eventually want to get back to walking like I did before, but I imagine that will happen once some certain things in my life change for the better.

One idea I had for this site is to act as an outlet for the thoughts I had when I would walk. I've never tried journaling or blogging, so this will be new for me. I don't know if I'll keep a habit of doing this, but I figured it would be a good experiment to try. I could just be doing this in an actual notebook or just locally on my computer, but learning some HTML seemed like a good idea as well, so why not try both at once.